Ciao! volevo chiedere a qualcuno che se ne intende se è possibile collegare una sorgente audio (come ad esempio una scheda audio) ad un dispositivo android con Jelly Bean 4.1.
Lo chiedo perchè sarei intenzionato a fare ciò e stando a quanto ho capito ora con jelly bean è supportata la comunicazione audio USB :
Ho per caso capito male? Potrei quindi effettivamente tramite un adattatore usb collegare una scheda audio esterna al mio Note 10.1?
P.s. info da :
5.3. Audio Recording
When an application has used the API to start recording an audio stream, device
implementations that include microphone hardware and declare android.hardware.microphone MUST sample and
record audio with each of these behaviors:
The device SHOULD exhibit approximately flat amplitude versus frequency characteristics; specifically, ±3 dB,
from 100 Hz to 4000 Hz
Audio input sensitivity SHOULD be set such that a 90 dB sound power level (SPL) source at 1000 Hz yields
RMS of 2500 for 16-bit samples.
PCM amplitude levels SHOULD linearly track input SPL changes over at least a 30 dB range from -18 dB to
+12 dB re 90 dB SPL at the microphone.
Total harmonic distortion SHOULD be less than 1% for 1Khz at 90 dB SPL input level.
In addition to the above recording specifications, when an application has started recording an audio stream using
the audio source:
Noise reduction processing, if present, MUST be disabled.
Automatic gain control, if present, MUST be disabled.
Note: while some of the requirements outlined above are stated as "SHOULD" for Android 4.1, the Compatibility
Definition for a future version is planned to change these to "MUST". That is, these requirements are optional in
Android 4.1 but will be required by a future version. Existing and new devices that run Android 4.1 are very
strongly encouraged to meet these requirements in Android 4.1, or they will not be able to attain Android
compatibility when upgraded to the future version.
So che esistono anche i DAC.. magari con quelli potrei farci qualcosa??
È davvero un casino lo ammetto :S